A Sea Glass Candle Holder

How-to make an easy and decorative sea glass candle holder for your centerpiece
Instead of putting your sea glass into a jar to place in the window, try making a sea glass candle holder that will add a colorful accent and illuminate the room.
How-to instructions shown below...

Step 1: Selecting Tools & Materials
The tools and materials required for this craft project are:
Candle Drip Rings
A Clear Bottle
Double Sided Mounting Tape
If desired, some ribbon or raffia to be used as a treatment
And of course, sea glass.

Step 2: Adding Your Sea Glass
At this point you carefully add your sea glass into the bottle. The shards should fit easily through the opening of the bottle. Do not force any pieces lest you risk breakage and cutting yourself.
Fill the bottle with glass to the desired height.
TIP: If your supply of sea glass is limited first add some sand in place of some of the sea glass.

Step 3: Adjusting the Candle to Fit the Bottle Opening
Because bottle openings and candle diameters vary widely you may need to modify the candle base to achieve a fit that will prevent the candle from tilting or falling into the bottle. This is where the double sided mounting tape comes into play. We use double-sided so the tape will adhere to both the bottle and candle for a more secure fit. Apply pieces of tape to either the candle base or bottle opening in amounts that allow the candle to fit snuggly into the opening without too much force.
TIP: Mounting tape comes in various thicknesses. Don't buy tape that is too thick that will prevent you from applying an even layer to the candle. Uneven applications may cause a tilt in your candle.

Step 4: Add the Candle Drip Rings to the Sea Glass Holder
Adding the drip ring will help prevent the wax from covering the sea glass that you added to the bottle. Of course if you prefer the look of wax drippings by all means buy candles that are made to drip and don't use the drip rings.
TIP: Better quality candles (higher price) will have little or no wax drip. Ask your retailer for non-drip candles.

Step 5: Add Your Ribbon or Raffia Treatments
At this point you can add the desired treatment to your sea glass candle holder. If your candle holder has sea glass of one color use a complimentary color for the treatment.
TIP: Using white sea glass will work with any color. You can then switch your treatment to work with any occassion. Try silver and gold ribbon for the holiday season!

And that's it!
Now light up that sea glass candle holder and enjoy its warm glow.